Purpose of Mudra And Bandh
The work of mudras and bandhas is to lead the sadhak on the path of spiritual practice. Apart from this, by controlling the internal organs, it affects the endocrine and exocrine glands of the seeker, whose secretion strengthens the physical and mental condition.
The talk of 'stability' in the practice of mudra itself has been made in the Gherand Samhita, 'Mudraya Stability Chaiva'. By subduing the nervous system, a sense of stability can be achieved by producing and using the desired energy. The spirit of this mudra molds the seeker in the same manner as his own qualities and he gets influenced by the effect of the mudra and moves on the path of spiritual practice. With the practice of these mudras, the messages sent by the nervous system to the brain become successful in awakening the consciousness.
The use of bandha affects the nerves. If the nerves which are working in the throat, abdomen or anus are activated and blocked, then the upward, downward or middle passages for prana will be closed and the prana will start moving in the sushumna. In this way, the bandhas play an important role in awakening the Kundalini Shakti and establishing control over Prana.
Mudras and Bandhas end the external attitude of the seeker and awaken the inner attitude, so that he keeps moving on the path of spiritual practice by turning away from the world. By practicing them, the seeker becomes conscious towards attaining the goal. Such a concentrated seeker deserves respect in the category of seekers.
According to Swami Kuvalyanand ji
According to Swami Kuvalyanand ji, 'Mudra and Bandha are the special features of Hatha Yoga. These are done by applying several neuromuscular ties. These vary greatly from the internal pressure and directly affect many of the glandular and endocrine glands and also some nerve groups. This type of yogic exercise reduces the amount of urine and excretion (ksayo urina purishayoh).
Particularly through the practice of Moola and Uddiyana Bandhas, which create different types of sub-atmospheric pressure in the thoracic and abdominal cavity according to the ability of the practitioner.
According to Swami Niranjananand
Swami Niranjananand believes that the postures and bandhas described in Yoga Shastra prove to be helpful in calming and moderating the sensations and stimuli of the nervous system. The postures practiced in Kundalini Yoga or Kriya Yoga Like Ashwini Mudra, Vajroli Mudra, Tadagi Mudra etc., they affect the Pranamaya Kosha and they try to change the flow of Prana. They also have an effect on the brain And they are helpful in awakening the particular emotion within the mind so that we can be introverted. The practice of Bandhas and Mudras helps in attaining concentration.
According to Gheranda Samhita
According to Gheranda Samhita, the practice of bandha is actually a nervous block and all the nerves inside the body and brain block the sensations arising in them and wake up other types of sensations. Wherever the action of contraction takes place in the internal organs, whether in the neck, whether in the groin, whether in the area of the genital organs or in the area of the anus, it changes the processes related to the internal organs, changes the emotions . takes the body into another kind of arousal or calm state, due to which there is a feeling of inner stillness.'
Therefore, it is clear that bandhas and mudras take us away from the external or material world and take us to the inner world. It is only after conquering the Annamaya, Pranamaya and Manomaya koshas that one can reach the Vigyanmaya kosha. It is possible to control the annamaya, pranamaya and manomaya koshas through asana, pranamaya, bandha and mudra. Therefore, the usefulness of mudras is undoubtedly proved to achieve the goal. Having said-
तस्मात् सर्वप्रयत्रेन प्रबोधयितुमीश्वरीम्।
बहाद्वारमुखे सुसां मुद्राभ्यासं समाचरेत्।। ह-प्र. 3/5
That is, to awaken the sleeping Kundalini power at the Brahmadar (Moolsthan), one should practice mudras by making all efforts because mudras are the only best way to awaken the Kundalini. This proves the usefulness of the practice of mudra.
Gherand has preached 25 mudras and bandhas and many more mudras are mentioned in other texts. Even serious diseases can be cured by the practice of mudras. Mudras remove all kinds of diseases and sorrows and bring peace in life.
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika mentions 10 mudras and emphasizes their practice. These are-
महामुद्रा महाबंधो महावेधश्च खेचरी। उड्यानं मूलबंधश्च बंधो जालंधराभिश्च:।।
करणी विपरीताख्या वज्रोली शक्तिशालनम। इंद हि मुद्रादशकं जराभरणनाशनम।।
That is, Mahamudra, Mahabandha, Mahavedhascha, Khechari, Uddiyana Bandha, Moolbandha, Jalandhara Bandha, Viparita Karani, Vajroli, Shakti, Chaalana – these ten mudras are supposed to destroy Jarakaran and bestow divine opulences. That is, there were 4 Bandhas and 6 Mudras, but apart from this many other Bandhas and Mudras are also mentioned.
Apart from this, there are different mudras and bandhas according to different texts. Yogamudra has been placed by some Yogacharyas in the group of 'Mudra' and some in the group of 'Asanas'. Two mudras have been considered particularly useful in Kundalini awakening – Sambhavi Mudra, Khechari Mudra.
Mainly 5 bonds:
1. Fundamentals
2. Uddiyanabandh
3.Jalandhar Bandh
4. Bandhatraya
Aasan Mudra
There are mainly 6 postures
1. Vrata Mudra
2. Ashwini Mudra
3. Mahamudra
4. Yoga Mudra
5. Viparita Karani Mudra
6. Shobhavani Mudra
Instrument of Raja Yoga
Jagatguru Ramanand Swami also considers the five postures as the means of Raja Yoga, these are-
1. Chachari
5.Unnyuni Mudra.
Mainly ten hand mudras: In addition to the above, the main ten mudras are important in hand mudras, which are as follows: -
(1) Gyan mudra,
(2) Prithvi mudra,
(3) Varun mudra,
(4) Vayu mudra,
(5) Zero Mudra,
(6) Surya Mudra,
(7) Prana Mudra,
(8) Apana Mudra,
(9) Apana Vayu Mudra,
(10) Linga Mudra.
Other Mudras:
(1) Surbhi Mudra, (2) Brahmamudra, (3) Abhayamudra, (4) Bhumi Mudra, (5) Bhumi Sparshanmudra, (6) Dharmachakramudra, (7) Vajramudra, (8) Vitarkamudra, (9) Janana Mudra, (10) Karnamudra, (11) Sharanagat Mudra, (12) Dhyana Mudra, (13) Suchi Mudra, (14) Om Mudra, (15) Janana and China Mudra, (16) Finger Mudra (17) Mahatrik Mudra, ( 18) Kubera Mudra, (19) China Mudra, (20) Varad Mudra, (21) Makara Mudra, (22) Shankh Mudra, (23) Rudra Mudra, (24) Pushpaput Mudra (25) Vajra Mudra, (26) Humor Buddha Mudra, (27) Pranam Mudra, (28) Ganesh Mudra (29) Matangi Mudra, (30) Garuda Mudra, (31) Kundalini Mudra, (32) Shiva Linga Mudra, (33) Brahma Mudra, ( 34) Mukul Mudra, (35) Maharishi Mudra, (36) Yoni Mudra, (37) Pushan Mudra, (38) Kaleshwar Mudra, (39) Guddha Mudra, (40) Duck Mudra, (40) Lotus Mudra, (41) Yoga Mudra, (42) Detoxification Mudra, (43) Akash Mudra, (44) Heart Mudra, (45) Jal Mudra, (46) Digestive Mudra, (47). Shambhavi Mudra (48) Ashwini Mudra etc.